*********************************** AM/FM ***********************************     AM/FM   MAGAZINE DISK #16   EDITORIAL     - Bjørn A. Lynne Welcome, dear reader, to yet another issue of AM/FM. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I know that sounds exactly like the opening of just about every other AM/FM Editorial, but my job here isn't to write something extremely interesting or let you in on a lot of secrets - my job in this editorial, as I see it, is just that - to wish you welcome, and to tell you a little bit about what's going on here at AM/FM, with your Editor (me), with our product range, and with the magazine. First of all, unfortunately the last two issues before this one has been difficult getting to run properly on old Kick 1.2 - Amigas. However, we are constantly trying to correct this, and I *think* that this issue should run ok, including background music and everything, on every Amiga model. If I'm wrong, don't shoot me, shoot Commodore for upgrading their operating systems, shoot the programmers of various utility-programmes for not making their programmes work on all Amigas, and shoot the users of the new Amiga-models for demanding that the magazine takes advantage of the best of their machines! Sure, I could easily put together a magazine that would be certain to run on the old Amigas, but then the users of the new Amigas would be angry because the magazine looked too old and scruffy, and didn't make good use of their new operating systems. Sigh... Ya can't win! I'll keep on trying though - it will probably kill me some day... Ok, as I'm writing this, I'm in a bit of a turmoil, because the theatre-play that I'm composing for has it's premiere in 2 days, and the final soundtrack hasn't been mixed yet!!! I would be a foolish dreamer if I thought I would get much sleep these next two days and nights, as in the middle of this, I am also trying to finish AM/FM, AND start selling the tape with the Soundtrack from the theatre-play. Well, there I mentioned it, the tape is of course for sale to all AM/FM-readers, and I would be delighted to take orders for it from as many as possible of you. I worked hard with the music, and it would feel great if I could sell some tapes and maybe get some recognition for the work. The tape is a real Amiga-enthusiast's product, purely made on Amiga, and with the cover designed by Amiga artist Tobias Richter. Don't misunderstand - the music isn't recorded from the Amiga - the Amiga was used to control a bunch of syntheszers, samplers etc., so the sound quality is 100% professional. If you want to hear some nice synth-music made with the Amiga, by the AM/FM Editor, do yourself (and me!) a favour and order the tape! You can find out how, etc, in the AM/FM- Catalogue, featured elsewhere on this disk. Some of you readers might not know that it is possible (and increasingly popular) to buy a subscription to AM/FM disks, which means that you will get the disks immediately when they are released. You can just write to us and say something like "I want a 10-issue subscription including Sample Disks, starting from issue 16!". In this case, you would pay for all the disks when you get the first one, and then the rest will be sent to you for free - on the same day that they are finished. As a subscriber, you also get special prices on some of the products in the AM/FM-Catalogue, something we've just started to offer our subscribers now, as an attempt to get more subscribers. Well, I can't think of much more to say, except, I have to run off now! And make sure you enjoy this great issue, tell all your friends about it, write to us if you have any views, and last but not least: "Be excellent to eachother!" Yours, Bjørn A. Lynne AM/FM Editor/Publisher. *********************************** AM/FM ***********************************